Farm Rules - Must Read
Before Arriving
Be a current member of one of the Local Clubs or Organizations that has us listed as additional insured to train on the property. (see below)
Sign a 2025 Swamp Dog Farm Waiver. (once a year)
Check Current Notices
Be familiar with Training Areas
Be familiar with Training Schedules & Fees
List of Clubs
& Organizations
The following clubs have provided 2025 insurance to SDF for events or for members to train on the property:
"FPOTC" Forbidden Plateau Obedience & Tracking Club
"VIRC" Vancouver Island Retriever Club
"UIRC" Upper Island Retriever Club
"PRHRC" Pacific Rim Hunting Retriever Club
The Canine Acamania (Maria Soto's Classes)
New Discovery Dog Training (Karen Share's Classes)
At this time, NO Spectators, visitors or non-club members are allowed.
Check back for clubs and/or organizations being added.
For contact links to these clubs please visit our Events Page.
Before Training
E-mail transfer Training Fees plus any Reservation Fees to swampdogfarm@gmail.com.
Or pay at Barn using the envelopes in the mailbox (please write name on envelope).
Please don't arrive any earlier then 10 minutes before the posted Open training times.
Swamp Dog Farm
We will try our best not to cancel any reservation / training day / test or trial but Swamp Dog Farm reserves the right to cancel any of the above at any time due to schedule changes, farming, weather, PHO, emergencies, liability or unforeseen circumstances. Keep this in mind when scheduling training, training days or events on the property, it is never guaranteed but we will do our very best.
Leash Up
For our insurance and safety reasons, all dogs must be kept on leash, long line and / or under control when not working.
We do consider E Collars an extension of your leash.
No fun off leash walks / runs permitted. Please air dogs individually and in designated areas during Events or Club training days.
Working dogs and puppies must also be under control.
Keep the
Grounds Clean
POOP and SCOOP is mandatory. Garbage bin located by barn.
No bird disposal on the property.
Please make sure to pick up all your training gear, flags & tape. Farmer's will appreciate.
If you notice any hazards please let us know.
Lost and Found items are located in the barn on the table.
Equipment Rentals must be wiped down and put away where you found them. Individuals or clubs are responsible for any damage that occurs to equipment during rentals.
Fields & Roads
SLOW DOWN on Kelland and Albert Rd (we have had complaints). Watch for children and the neighbors animals. There are little dogs and cats that are FREQUENTLY on the roads.
15km/ hr Speed Limit on all Farm and Seasonal Roads. Please keep it slow so not to displace the gravel on the roads. (we get pot holes and that's annoying for everyone).
Watch for trainers and dogs crossing farm and seasonal roads. Please make sure to stop when you see the orange pylon and check with the training group.
No Driving in Fields unless it is a clearly marked seasonal road in the summer and it is marked as OPEN on the Training Map.
In the wet season keep all wheels on the gravel. If you make a rut, please fix it!
Leave access for farm vehicles to areas including across bridge when parking.
Park in designated areas located on the Training Map.
Working Farm
Swamp Dog Farm is a working hay farm. Always leave access for farm vehicles to fields including across bridge when parking.
Do not run dogs or set up through a hay crop that has been cut but not bailed unless it's allowed in Notices. Never set up a Line or Gunner Station on a hay crop that has been cut.
Please keep dogs away from farm equipment that is working or parked.
Do not let dogs chase wildlife. Check Notices for sightings of black bear, cougar, fawns etc.
The Bull Frog is an invasive species and the ponds are full of them. Western Toads are on the farm and are poisonous to dogs. If your dog eats a bull frog it can make them sick, if your dog licks, retrieves or eats a western toad it is usually a vet emergency.
Bald eagles on the farm have been reported to scoop training birds even out of wingers.
Mushrooms frequently grow around conifers and broad leaf trees (especially amanita mushrooms). Be aware of the poisonous mushroom species.
Poplar trees shed tops and large branches especially in high winds. Do not set up training or park close to poplar trees with high winds and always look up to check for loose branches at any time when your setting up close to poplar trees.
Walk your lines for critter holes and please flag them and notify us.
Wasps and ground wasps' nests can be frequent in the summer. Have Benadryl on hand.
We trust everyone will be inclusive, friendly and patient when training at the farm. Verbal or physical abuse to dogs or people will not be tolerated.
When setting up be aware of others training in close proximity on other training areas and be understanding of noise (other whistles, starter pistol, voice commands and dogs) may interfere with some of your training.
To meet everyone's training expectations: Training Area boundaries and Reservation times are Absolute.
For our neighbor's sake, please keep dog noise under control.
Only starter pistols or launchers are allowed when field training. Use of Shot Guns or Shot Gun Blanks require permission before being used during training or an Event. Please Do Not use shot guns unless you have made prior arrangements and we have contacted our neighbors.
Use of life jackets are required in any watercraft.
For dog safety: If you are running a set up over (or close to) a road / seasonal road that accesses other training areas please use an orange pylon (in barn) and place on the road so vehicles would have to stop and check in with you before driving through. Please put pylon back in barn. Vehicles must stop and check in with the training group before driving past the orange pylon for dog safety.
Healthy Dogs
& Emergencies
Be prepared for the weather to keep your dog and yourself comfortable.
Bring adequate water, emergency first aid kits, charged cell phone and have emergency contact numbers on hand.
Please do not bring your dog to the farm if he/she shows any symptoms of communicable diseases such as coughing, nasal discharge, vomiting and/or diarrhea. If your dog has been coughing, or any of your dogs have been exposed to kennel cough please quarantine your dog at home for at least 14 days after exposure, or 14 days after they quit coughing. For dogs with gastrointestinal illnesses please quarantine for at least 5 days after symptoms have cleared up. Please monitor your dogs for external parasites such as fleas and ticks and treat as needed prior to training on our property. Thank you for your consideration for all of our dog’s health.